This is the text of the decree that was sent to me via email today at 1:14 pm Italian time. What was attributed to me as guilt for my conviction is now put on the record, confirming the Catholic Faith that I fully profess.
— Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò (@CarloMVigano) July 5, 2024
I say to my brother Bishops:…
This decree is canonically invalid. First, the Dicastery erected during the pontificate of B16 without his authority is not the Congregation erected by Paul VI, and thus has no authority to hear the case against Viganò. Likewise the canons cited are not found in the 1983 CIC.
— REMEMBER Pope Benedict XVI 🇻🇦 (@B16Restore) July 7, 2024
Ce décret est canoniquement invalide. Premièrement, le Dicastère érigé pendant le pontificat de Benoît XVI sans son autorité n'est pas la Congrégation érigée par Paul VI et n'a donc aucune autorité pour entendre le procès contre Viganò. De même les canons cités ne se retrouvent pas dans le CIC (Code de Droit Canon) de 1983.