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Praedicatho homélies à temps et à contretemps

Praedicatho homélies à temps et à contretemps

C'est par la folie de la prédication que Dieu a jugé bon de sauver ceux qui croient. Devant Dieu, et devant le Christ Jésus qui va juger les vivants et les morts, je t’en conjure, au nom de sa Manifestation et de son Règne : proclame la Parole, interviens à temps et à contretemps, dénonce le mal, fais des reproches, encourage, toujours avec patience et souci d’instruire. Crédit peintures: B. Lopez

Vatican Diary / Focolare beats Communion and Liberation

Publié par dominicanus sur 11 Août 2011, 10:58am

Catégories : #homilies in English

New appointments in diplomacy and in the curia. At the secretariat of state, the followers of Fr. Giussani increase to three. But the spiritual sons of Chiara Lubich are getting the more influential posts 


Giovanni Angelo Becciu


VATICAN CITY, August 11, 2011 – Every year, in July, transfers of junior personnel in pontifical delegations all over the world are made official.

Among the news this summer is that Spanish monsignor Luis Miguel Muñoz Cardaba is leaving the nunciature in Italy, heading to Australia. He is being replaced by the Italian Luza Lorusso, from the region of Puglia, who is moving from the nunciature in Canada.

This means that the delegation of the Holy See in Italy is once again becoming the only one staffed exclusively by "autochthonous" churchmen. Monsignor Cardaba was the first and so far the only non-Italian to serve there.

The other news is the arrival in the second section of the secretariat of state, which deals with relations with states, of Monsignor Andrea Ferrante, who before entering into Vatican diplomacy, with his last post in Uganda, had been the personal secretary, in the curia, of then titular archbishop Crescenzio Sepe – who then became the cardinal prefect of "Propaganda Fide" and is now archbishop of Naples – at the time responsible for organizing the Great Jubilee of 2000.

At the secretariat of state, Monsignor Ferrante is taking the place of Monsignor Luigi Accattino (being sent to Washington), who had been appointed to a few Latin American countries, including Cuba (in this capacity his name had appeared in cables released by WikiLeaks) and Ecuador (where he had also worked on the virulent dispute between the Heralds of the Gospel and the Carmelites at the apostolic vicariate of Sucumbios).

With the arrival of Ferrante at the "Terza Loggia," the number of churchmen belonging to Communion and Liberation who are part of the Vatican foreign ministry rises to three. The other two are the Spanish monsignor Alberto Ortega Martin (who is following the delicate chessboard of the Middle East) and Fr. Massimiliano Boiardi, of the Priestly Fraternity of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo, closely connected to the movement founded by Fr. Luigi Giussani.

The increase in the presence of Communion and Liberation in the Roman curia (to whom must be added the four Memores Domini who serve in the pontifical residence) nonetheless remains a small matter with respect to the posts occupied by members of the Focolare movement.

In the span of a few months, in fact, to Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, president of the pontifical council for the family, have been added to the curia two other churchmen who are also spiritual sons of Chiara Lubich: the Brazilian archbishop, and soon to be cardinal, João Bráz de Aviz, who in January was appointed as prefect of the congregation for religious (and has implemented an about-face there with respect to the highly conservative leadership of his predecessor, the Slovenian cardinal Franc Rodé) and Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu (in the photo), who in May was called to take on the delicate post of substitute at the secretariat of state, a key role in the governance of the Roman curia.
Sandro Magister

English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.

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